the prayer room
Come be with Him. He is worth it.

Training & Dinner
F 2.21 | 6-9PM | Community Room
This training is for anyone interested in being a part of The Prayer Room & those already involved as we dive deeper in! Dinner will be provided before the training; RSVP is required.
RSVP to Kaitlyn Owen kaitlyno@shilohcl.com
The Prayer Room
Come be with Him. He is worth it.
Every Other Friday* | 7-9pm | Prayer Room
At Shiloh Church, everything we do orbits around our highest priority of ministering to the Lord, hosting His presence, and being a dwelling place for Him. We believe every worthwhile ministry endeavor flows from that place of intimacy and connection. It is because of this that we are so excited to consecrate a regular time in the life of our church to do just that— to minister to the Lord, commune with Him and agree with the desires of His heart in prayer.
*Winter Schedule